Latest Raspbmc Update and XBMC 12.0 RC2 January 1, 2013March 31, 2021admin 1 And just in time for New Years, we have another Raspbmc update including XBMC 12.0 (Frodo) RC2. I’ve still been flipping between OpenELEC [...]
Raspbmc’s RC5 Not So Smooth Update October 3, 2012admin 3 So, Raspbmc‘s RC5 update was rolled out and seeing as how I have automatic updating turned on, my Raspbmc got the update. But…things [...]
More Games for Android September 18, 2012admin Comment You know, it almost sucks when everything’s working because when everything works, I have nothing to write about! I mean, that whole Raspberry [...]
Raspberry Pi: Raspbmc Performance Issues August 25, 2012admin 3 Between receiving my Raspberry Pi, migrating my old Debian server to a VM (Virtual Box) and losing the best cat in the world, [...]
Raspbmc RC4 and Raspberry Pi August 10, 2012admin 4 Finally got around to setting up my Raspberry Pi with XBMC and it’s awesome. As I’d hoped, this tiny device completely replaces the [...]