I love the way this album starts. It’s like waking up from a Rohypnol slumber and finding yourself wedged between two amplifiers that have the reverb and tremolo turned all the way up and the instrument plugged in screaming feedback is that frying pan that you burnt supper in. Again.
That’s sort of the way David Lynch‘s debut album Crazy Clown Time sounds. And like the title suggests, there’s a carny feel to it. But not in a Tom Waits Carnival Jazz way. This feels very much like David Lynch and makes Tom Waits sound like cotton candy and rainbows.
I will say that there are some cliched moments (as cliche as Lynch can ever be) where it feels like he’s being weird for the hell of it, but there are some choice tracks. What’s her name Karen O from the Yeah Yeah Yeahs is on the first track being all orgasmic and deadly. I think it’s a great opener.
You can stream and listen to the whole album here. For free! Or you can buy it from the Amazon store.
My Ostrich Picks are: Pinky’s Dream, Football Game and Speed Roadster. Overall, I give Crazy Clown Time 6 Beaks and 3 Internetz, which comes out to about a 7.5 after the math. I mean the meth.
Personal note to David Lynch: I see what you did there with the album cover. Nice subliminal try, but not subliminal enough. *wink*