Addicted to Mafia Wars on Facebook May 14, 2009admin 5 If you’re looking for Mafia Wars strategy tips, check out my other post here. I hate Facebook and I swore I’d never join. [...]
Handheld gaming extravaganza! May 10, 2009March 30, 2021admin 2 Hi! I haven’t had much time or motivation for a big professional post on the level of quality with which Dr. Dobson writes. [...]
Martyrs : the French are twisted! April 19, 2009admin Comment Hi there! This week I stumbled upon a little jewel and I’d like to share. I was looking for a good horror flick [...]
We love Grand Theft Auto IV – Part 1 April 15, 2009admin 1 Some weeks (months?) ago, me and my good friend Jerome started playing Grand Theft Auto IV together. I know I know, I’m a [...]
Dragon Quest V, Area5, Solaris 10 April 15, 2009March 30, 2021admin Comment Hello there! Boy it’s been a long time. I was in the woods all along, growing my beard and hunting wild animals with [...]
Ostrich News: Red Faction April 14, 2009admin 1 I’m 2 weeks late to report on the fact that Red faction: Guerrilla has a very VERY pleasing surprise (easter egg?) for you, [...]
The Walking Dead #60 April 8, 2009admin Comment If you’ve been anywhere within listening range during the last year or so, I’ve probably tried to steer the conversation towards The Walking [...]
Devildriver April 1, 2009admin 1 The Last Kind Words You love metal? You go, and you buy that album. If you’re not broke, you should also buy The [...]
Game Review: Street Fighter II demo on my Sony Ericsson W380 March 27, 2009March 30, 2021admin 1 I’m not a big fan of cell phone games, but imagine my surprise when I discovered that my Sony Ericsson W380 came bundled [...]
Drunken random thoughts on Street Fighter IV March 25, 2009March 30, 2021admin Comment Street Fighter IV is the closest thing to an actual arcade cabinet I’ve had in my livingroom. It has that hard to describe quality to it. Like a wild horse or something. [...]