Can You Stand Another WWII Nazi Revenge Movie?

defiance daniel craig nazi movieI could. So I rented Defiance (2008) starring Daniel Craig and a bunch of other dudes.

This time it’s in Nazi occupied Eastern Europe focusing on the The Bielski partisans played by Craig and Liev Schreiber. They hideout in the Belarusian forests where they build a survivalist camp, saving many lives.  They also hook up with the Russian resistance.

My impression: It’s exactly like Inglourious Basterds, except without the scalping, the fantasy WWII history rewrite, Brad Pitt, the comedy, Tarantino‘s “hip” soundtrack, the French dialogue, urban Nazis, and a hilarious Hitler.

Otherwise, it’s the same movie. Check it out.

One thought on “Can You Stand Another WWII Nazi Revenge Movie?

  1. I am sure liberties were taken during the filming of Defiance. I believe it was inspired by the true story and not necessarily based on the true story. As an adaptation it provides a powerful message of inspiration that during the most tragic of times there are heroes who stood up against the most incredible of challenges.

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